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Sex Offense Conviction Consequences

The consequences of a sex offense conviction can be devastating. Beyond the immediate criminal penalties, a conviction can impact every aspect of your life, from your ability to secure employment and housing to your relationships with family and friends. If you have been arrested for a sex offense in Washington, it is important to speak with a Tacoma sex offense attorney as soon as possible. 

Fines and Jail Time

The criminal penalties for sex offenses in Washington vary depending on the charge and the circumstances of the case. For example, Rape in the First Degree is a Class A felony and carries a minimum sentence of 3 years and a maximum of life imprisonment, along with a fine of up to $50,000. 

Child Molestation in the Second Degree, a Class B felony, can result in a maximum sentence of 10 years and a $20,000 fine. Even misdemeanor offenses, such as Sexual Misconduct with a Minor in the Second Degree, can lead to up to 364 days in jail and a $5,000 fine.

Sex Offender Registration

People convicted of sex offenses in Washington are also required to register as sex offenders. The duration of the registration period depends on the severity of the offense; Class A felonies require lifetime registration, Class B felonies mandate 15 years, and Class C felonies require 10 years. 

Registered sex offenders must provide personal information, including their address, employment, and vehicle details, to local law enforcement agencies. This information is made available to the public, which can cause significant social stigma. 

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Protection Orders

When someone is accused of sexual misconduct, the accuser may seek a civil protection order, such as a Domestic Violence Protection Order or a Sexual Assault Protection Order. These orders can have far-reaching consequences, including the loss of the right to possess firearms, restrictions on where you can live and work, and limitations on your ability to contact the accuser or their family. Violating a protection order is a serious offense, and multiple violations can result in felony charges, jail time, fines, and the loss of child visitation rights.

Difficulties with Employment and Housing

A sex offense conviction can make it extremely difficult to secure employment and housing. Many employers conduct background checks and may be hesitant to hire people with a criminal record, especially those convicted of sex crimes. Landlords may also be reluctant to rent to registered sex offenders, limiting housing options. These challenges can persist long after a person has served their sentence, making it difficult to rebuild their life and reintegrate into society.

Damage to Relationships with Family and Friends

The stigma associated with sex offense convictions can strain and even destroy relationships with family and friends. The accusation alone can lead to judgment and ostracism, and a conviction can permanently alter how others perceive and interact with the accused.  

Were You Arrested for a Sex Offense in Washington?

A conviction for a sex offense in Washington State can have severe and long-lasting consequences that extend far beyond any criminal penalties. At The Law Offices of Mark S. Treyz, we provide aggressive legal representation to minimize the consequences of a conviction. 

Our sex crimes defense attorney will work tirelessly to protect your future and help you navigate this challenging time. Contact us today at (253) 272-8666 to discuss your case and begin protecting your future.